What To Expect From 3 Days On Watermelon Juice
One of the best ways to reboot and reset your body after the summer festive season is to do 3 days on watermelon juice! Known as a type of "mono-diet" or "mono-fast", when...
One of the best ways to reboot and reset your body after the summer festive season is to do 3 days on watermelon juice! Known as a type of "mono-diet" or "mono-fast", when...
Fasting is nothing new to humans since we know it's been practiced by many long-lived cultures for centuries. Our bodies actually innately understand and respond to fasting and people are waking...
Fasting has existed since the beginning of life on earth. In fact, as a principle, it is deeply engrained into the evolution and psyche of human beings. The problem today is...
Any time you experience discomfort or dis-ease in your body, it can usually be traced back to an internal chaos within your digestive tract. The word 'body' is derived from the word 'abode',...
Detoxing and cleansing with raw juices has become increasingly popular in recent times for very good reason. It's a super effective way to cleanse your body, re-set your digestive system and...
Summer is the best time to 'fast' and reset because when you fast your body temperature drops. The wisdom of fasting goes back thousands of years and the 'ancient healers'...
Fasting and detox programs have long been embraced in the holistic alternative health space to reset the body, flush out toxins and rejuvenate energy levels. But the real power of fasting...
Although first documented in the 1920’s, "Keto" diets have gained much attention recently with promises of quick weight loss, less inflammation and improvements to cardiovascular health, energy and blood sugar balance. The...
Although the wisdom of extended fasting has been embraced by long-lived cultures for centuries, today a different type of fasting has emerged as a popular healthy lifestyle principle. Intermittent fasting, also dubbed "cycled fasting"...
If you've over-indulged so far this Christmas, or your healthy habits have taken a back seat whilst you enjoy the festive season, don't panic! Of course, we all need to give ourselves...
Whenever you feel sluggish, run down or you have noticeable ailments or discomforts, it's usually a sign that you need to detoxify your body at some level. Over time, your...
Fasting can be very effective in healing Arthritis because it causes the body to release accumulated toxins stored in the joints and bones. There's really no disease on earth that...