One of the best ways to reboot and reset your body after the summer festive season is to do 3 days on watermelon juice!
Known as a type of "mono-diet" or "mono-fast", when you give your digestive system a break and super hydrate your body and brain with watermelon juice you'll notice a big difference in the way you look and feel!
Watermelon juicing is a wonderful way to flush out toxins, reinvigorate your skin, boost your energy, lift your mental clarity and kick start healthier habits. And best of all, it's cheap, quick and easy to prepare and tastes incredible.
Here, we reveal what you can expect on a watermelon juice cleanse, the main health benefits and why it's one of the simplest juicing protocols of all to do.
Why Do 3 Days On Watermelon Juice?
A watermelon juice fast is an example of a type of 'mono-diet', meaning the idea is to consume ONLY watermelon juice (and nothing else) for the fasting period.
The beauty of a this type of fast, is that you get very connected to the fruit you're consuming, it's unique colour, taste and array of phytonutrients.
Also, when you're focussed on just one food or juice, it eliminates the hassle of having to shop for a wide range of produce and fiddle around with combinations to make them taste right.
This is why a mono-diet or fast, such as 3 days on watermelon juice, is much easier to do than other conventional juice fasts that typically require a variety of ingredients and more complex preparation to get right.
In other words, a watermelon juice fast is a simple way to let go of any excuses or road blocks that might be holding you back from doing a juice cleanse or fast, because it's just so easy to do!
Health Benefits of Watermelon Juicing
Watermelon is a seasonal summer fruit, well known for its soft, juicy red flesh, black tear-shaped seeds and hard dark green skin encasement.
Watermelons are seasonal during the warmer months because it's during this period that mother nature brings forth the higher water content, lighter, sweeter, juicier fruits.
Interestingly, with its unique oval shape and internal structure, the watermelon has a natural signature or 'sign-of-nature' that resembles and targets the health and function of the human brain.
The benefits of watermelon to the brain in particular, are mainly due to the exceptionally high water content which hydrates the brain. It also means that water melon juicing is very effective for helping to alleviate mental fog, improve clarity and focus, and even for helping to prevent cognitive decline when embraced as a regular protocol.
In addition to its brain-boosting health properties, watermelons are a nutrient-rich whole food, packed with potent vitamins and nutrients such as:
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B6
- Flavonoids
- Lycopene
Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that is common in all red plant foods which helps to:
- Reduces appetite and cravings
- Flushes out the kidneys
- Soothes urinary tract infections
- Contains an amino acid called L-citrulline, which is known to help reduce risk of Alzheimer's disease, dementia, fatigue, muscle weakness, erectile dysfunction and diabetes
- Reduces blood pressure
- Decreases the risk of heart disease
- Limit risk of osteoporosis
- Protects against breast & prostate cancers.
Why is Watermelon So Easy For A Juice Cleanse?
First of all, a watermelon juice fast or cleanse is one of the easiest to do in the warmer months when watermelons are in ripe abundance. Not only are watermelons low cost, they make an abundance of fresh juice, meaning there is a lot more reward for your juicing efforts.
We all know that juicing can be a chore or a challenge when you're time poor, but watermelon juicing really solves this problem more than just about any other form of juicing.
For other forms of juicing, it can be an ordeal to come up with the right recipes and to gather the right amount of produce from the markets - only to get home to then have to rinse, slice, batch, prepare and bottle the juice.
On the other hand, with just 2 or 3 good sized, ripe watermelons you can quickly and easily prepare a large volume of delicious, nutritious, refreshing juice that requires no guess-work, no difficult recipes and is oh so easy to drink!
How To Prepare Watermelon Juice
The ideal way to juice watermelon and to extract as much high quality juice as possible is to use a cold pressed juicer.
This type of expeller press juice machine, gently and slowly extracts the juice under minimal stress or heat which ensures the living enzymes are not damaged or oxidised, for maximum health benefit and taste to you.
One of the best on cold pressed juicers on the market that we use and recommend, is the Kuvings Elite C7000 Cold Pressed Professional Juicer which we make available on our website, or you can find a variety of other brands online at good kitchen or department stores.
If you don't have a cold-pressed juicer, due to it's exceptionally high water content watermelon juice is one type of juice you can prepare with a regular centrifugal juice machine if this is all you have access to.
The whole process is then really easy and one good sized watermelon should make you approximately 2 litres of juice using a quality juice machine.
Just slice the watermelon into thick chunks (it’s ok to leave a thin layer of the inner white skin on) and gently feed into the juicer.
Tasty Tip: If you want to add a little variety to your watermelon juice blend, add a few chunks of fresh ginger, a whole lime, and a handful of fresh mint leaves through the machine when juicing your watermelon.
When it comes to bottling, be sure to have several glass bottles or mason jars on hand to bottle and store your fresh watermelon juice in the refrigerator once prepared.
This is the best way to enjoy watermelon juice and storing it this way will allow it to keep for up to 72 hours, meaning you can prepare 3 days worth in advance.
You can learn more about recommended ways to juice and other recipes in our blog Fruit & Vegetable Juicing: What You Should Know
The Main Takeaway
As an invigorating boost to your energy and health, that is also very restorative to your organs and skin, there are some wonderful benefits associated with consuming watermelon juice for 3 days.
Quick and easy to prepare, and refreshing and delicious to drink, watermelon juicing is one of the easiest of all juicing protocols to follow because of the minimal preparation required and the abundance of juice that it makes.
Block out a few days in your calendar, team up with a family member or juicing buddy and do it together!
If you've been thinking of a doing a juice fast or cleanse, but for whatever reason have managed to make it happen, why not give 3 days on watermelon juice a shot?!
Your body, energy and vitality will love you for it!
Tolman Self Care.