Solar Medicine: Benefits of Heliotherapy
For thousands of years, life revolved around the sun and human beings worshipped the sun for its life-giving powers. Unfortunately, in just a matter of decades, our way of life...
For thousands of years, life revolved around the sun and human beings worshipped the sun for its life-giving powers. Unfortunately, in just a matter of decades, our way of life...
Fasting has existed since the beginning of life on the Earth. An ill or injured animal’s first instinct is to abstain from solid food until it’s healthy: the animal instinctively...
High blood pressure is a stealthy, dangerous condition that’s often called “the silent killer”. It sneaks up on you over time and is hard to notice until the signs become...
The keto diet is not new; in fact, for decades, it’s been touted as an effective treatment for conditions like epilepsy. Today though, Keto is being widely adopted as a weight...
Gua sha (pronounced “gwa shah”) is an ancient Chinese practice that traditionally uses a rounded tool to rub or scrape the skin. The benefits of gua sha are endless, ranging...
In today's world, most people celebrate Christmas not aware of its origins and true meaning. Of course, Christmas is rightfully meant to be a time of joy, typically shared with...
Today, there is much confusion and misinformation about whether sugar is good or bad. The truth is that your body runs on sugar. Sugar is a vital source of energy. So the...
These days there’s a supplement or pill for everything. And each 'miracle' product usually comes with with a long list of promises about how it will help keep you much...
Your emotions have a big impact on your physical health. This means that the way you deal with any kind of stress, heart ache or trauma is just as important as what you do physically...
You are what you eat and there's no greater reflection of this than the appearance of your skin. Your skin is cytophylactic, meaning it lets things in and out like...
There’s much truth to the old adage, “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Apples are loaded with nutritional components that promote good health and that help to clear...
Poor digestive health is one of the biggest causes of dis-ease and sickness that manifests in the body. And yet, most people today, even Doctors, don't trace these ailments and...