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4 Natural Remedies for Asthma

Asthma is a chronic disease that affects how air is carried in and out of your lungs. 

Asthma inflames your airways, which makes it incredibly sensitive and prone to irritation. Your airways get more and more narrow, allowing less air to flow through to your lungs, and you start experiencing wheezing, coughing, chest tightness, and troubled breathing. 

This chronic condition can be incredibly debilitating, making it harder to lead a healthy, full life by restricting exercise, time outdoors, work, and leading to public asthma attacks. 

There are different severity levels of asthma, but any form of asthma at all can restrict you from the things you love. 

Luckily, there are natural remedies for asthma that can help you control the symptoms, so that you can regain control of your life. 

Avoiding the irritants that cause asthma attacks will significantly help, but it’s not always possible. 

These four natural remedies for asthma can help you develop a routine and lifestyle that will minimise asthma’s hold on your life, and help you breathe the best you have in years. 

1. Nasal Washes

One of the best natural remedies for asthma are nasal washes. When the nose drains, it makes asthma worse, especially at night. Performing routine nasal washes and saltwater nasal washes can help clean mucus and irritants from the nose and decrease swelling. 

To do a nasal wash, the first step is washing your hands to avoid getting more irritants into your sinuses and lungs. Next, make a fresh nasal wash solution out of saltwater or saline. Mix one-half teaspoon iodised salt (try our natural sea salt) in an eight-ounce glass of warm water with a pinch of baking soda. 

Use the entire eight ounces of saltwater during the nasal wash if you are congested; otherwise four ounces should be enough. Do not reuse the solution; make a new one every time and make sure you use a bulb syringe. 

Tip: if you don’t have time or the ingredients for a nasal wash, keep this Breathe EZ Nasal Decongestant Spray handy. It gives you instant and effective relief (without any chemicals!) for for asthma, congestion, allergies, and more.

2. Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a health superfood that has been embraced for centuries, for so many reasons. It’s also one of the best natural remedies for asthma thanks to its powerful home healing properties. It helps cure everything from acne to high cholesterol, chronic fatigue, Candida, sore throats, contact dermatitis, arthritis, gout and more.   

This general energy tonic and dietary drink has curative abilities because it causes pH levels to become more alkaline or, in the case of too much alkalinity, more acidic. Apple cider vinegar contains thirteen types of carbolic acids, four aldehydes, twenty ketones, eighteen types of alcohols, eight ethyl acetates, and more. 

It also contains important minerals, trace elements, vitamins, acid, propionic acid, lactic acid, enzymes, amino acids as well as roughage in the form of potash and apple pectin. All of these in one bottle of organic apple cider vinegar! To help manage your asthma, try a tablespoon of ACV mixed in a glass of water first thing every morning. If it’s too bitter or sour, try adding some honey until you get used to the taste (and you will!).

Learn more in The Self Care Powers of Apple Cider Vinegar.

3. Diet

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that what you eat can affect your health, but in this case tweaking your diet can actually be one of the best natural remedies for asthma. Studies have shown that a plant-based diet significantly improves asthma. Researchers believe this diet may work because it increases common nutrient loads and other helpful botanical chemicals as it reduces pro-inflammatory chemicals that are abundant in animal foods. 

Foods rich in vitamin C can be powerful breath savers for people with asthma. When you think about how much of our modern life is filled with car exhaust, cigarette smoke and other pollutants, it’s clear why so many people suffer from asthma. These pollutants (or oxidants) can damage tissues in the lungs, making it hard for them to work as efficiently as they should. 

Foods like squash are rich in oxidative removers like vitamin C. It has been shown that the more vitamin C you get, the lower your risk of developing asthma or other respiratory diseases. It’s a simple fact that diets high in vitamin C are associated with fewer lung ailments. This is because the vitamin C gets transported to the lining of the lung and serves as a protector. 

Onions are also known to give people with asthma or other respiratory ailments clearer airways. This is due to the sulfur compounds in onions that inhibit the irritated inflammation response like that seen in asthma. 

Spicy foods help open air passages, enabling those with asthma to breathe better. Try incorporating more hot sauce, cayenne and jalapeño peppers, garlic and horseradish into your diet. Selenium is a trace mineral, which means that you don’t need a lot of it. Another great addition to your diet is selenium for asthma relief. Brazil nuts have the highest amount of selenium, so try eating at least three ounces a day as a preventative measure.

Learn more in Top 7 Foods For Respiratory Health.

4. Juice Therapy

There’s almost nothing that good, fresh juice can’t help, including asthma. To instantly relax your breathing muscles and clear your airways, use this tried-and-true juice blend: mix two ounces of onion juice with two ounces of carrot juice and two ounces of parsley juice. 

Drink this mixture twice daily; the onions in it have long been used in the treatment of asthma because they contain compounds that relax bronchial muscles and prevent spasms. 

Another juice blend option for good health and easy breathing:

Breathe Baby, Breathe! 

  • 5 oz. Celery Juice
  • 2 oz. Kale or Collard Greens Juice
  • 2 oz. Alfalfa Sprouts or Parsley Juice
  • 1 clove Garlic, juiced
  • 1 oz. Lemon Juice
  • 1/3 Onion Juiced 

This all-green chlorophyll cocktail will have a powerful quieting effect on your respiratory system. Make sure you sit down and sip it slowly. High chlorophyll diets promote detoxification of the liver and colon. For any asthma treatment program, optimum functioning of these two vital organs is crucial.

These foods are also some of the highest dietary sources of calcium and magnesium, which are necessary for the health and balance of the nervous system. A healthy nervous system reduces stress and constriction in the lungs. Magnesium and garlic also both alleviate bronchial spasms. 

Learn more in Asthma: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Remedies. 

Other natural remedies for asthma:

  • A number of studies have found that yoga training improves overall well-being, promotes greater relaxation, encourages better breathing habits, and increasing exercise tolerance.
  • Researchers have found that acupuncture often leads to significant improvement of asthma and other chronic lung conditions, not to mention it promotes relaxation, which can naturally ease breathing issues.
  • Try eating garlic and potatoes with lemon juice. Slice them fresh into 1/4” thick rounds, squeeze lemon juice on them and add a little salt and eat up to breathe easy.  This might sound a little strange, but potatoes target respiratory health and they are extra effective when eaten raw.  The little compounds act like sponges that trap pathogens in the lungs and help to clear them out of the body.  If you can't eat them raw, eat lots of steamed potatoes, drizzled with extra virgin olive oil and sprinkled with sea salt.

These natural remedies for asthma can change your breathing and your outlook on life. Where before so many things seemed impossible or likely to trigger an attack, now you’ll feel powerful and in control of your breath.

These small changes to your lifestyle and diet can have a huge impact on this chronic disease, and significantly lessen its severity for you so that you can go back to enjoying the outdoors, fresh air, sunshine, and more. 

Tolman Self Care.


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