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What is Earthing? How it Benefits Your Health, Reduces Body Pain & Stress

Earthing is an ancient practice that has far-reaching health benefits for elevating physical, mental and emotional wellbeing.

It involves connecting your bare skin (usually your feet) directly with the earth's surface to absorb its electricity, which is very effective for reducing inflammation and stress.

Interestingly, the earth is like a gigantic battery housing trillions of electrons just below the surface.  When you walk barefoot or even lay your bare-body directly on the earth, your body absorbs these electric currents to target inflammation, free-radical damage and to promote physical and emotional healing and repair.

What is Earthing?

Earthing, often also referred to as grounding, is the process of connecting directly to the Earth’s surface with your bare skin.

Research has shown that when you walk barefoot through the grass, sand, dirt or rock, the body absorbs free electrons from the Earth. This a powerful practice that almost anyone can do regularly, no matter their age or state of health.

Earthing is one of the simplest things you can incorporate into your weekly self care routine for amazing health and wellbeing benefits.

How to Practice Earthing

Earthing is very simple to practice.  Simply go outside, ideally to your local park or beach, and walk barefoot for 20-45 minutes and do this a few times each week.

In a fairly short space of time, you should notice a significant decrease in stress, anxiety, less body pain and overall improvements to your mood and sleep patterns.

The best surfaces to practice earthing are grass, sand and soft rock that is reasonably flat. Surfaces that generally will not work include, wood, asphalt, carpet and concrete, since these are not conductive surfaces that allow free electrons to flow through.

    What Are The Main Benefits of Earthing?

    Research shows that earthing can be very effective for managing chronic pain, boosting energy, improving sleep/wake cycle and easing anxiety and stress.

    Earthing is also known to help lower inflammation in the body, improve immune function, glucose regulation and reduce the risks of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.

    In fact, Earthing should be considered just as important as getting enough sunshine, water, whole food, daily exercise and quality sleep into your weekly routine.

    Whether it be walking your dog on the beach or taking a leisurely stroll around your local park with your partner, or solo on your own, take the opportunity to kick off your shoes so that you can get your bare feet closer to the Earth's surface to experience the wonderful benefits of earthing.

    How to Track the Benefits  

    The immediate benefits of earthing you should notice, because walking barefoot on a soft earth surface is immediately soothing and quite therapeutic.

    The additional benefits you experience may seem subtle at first, then you'll begin to notice them more clearly.  Notable examples include, improvements to your sleep/wake cycle, you levels of anxiety and stress and your ability to manage niggling body pain and recovery from physical exertion.

    The Main Take Away

    Earthing is an ancient wellbeing practice that is being rediscovered today for its wonderful health benefits.

    It is a wellness management tool that you should keep front of mind and do regularly if you want to manage stress and inflammation in the body.  Besides the scientific benefits of earthing, it also wonderful for clearing the mind, connecting with nature, getting fresh air into the lungs and experiencing the beauty of the outdoors, which can have a super-charging effect on your overall health and wellness.

    Tolman Self Care.


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