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The Amazing Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV) has been embraced as a natural health tonic for thousands of years.

It's one of the oldest, most versatile self care remedies available for both internal and external body use, yet not many people know about its amazing health and healing properties.

Even though the taste may be a little bitter or tart and it can sting slightly when used on the skin, apple cider vinegar is perhaps one of the best natural wellness compliments you will find.

Here, we reveal why apple cider vinegar is so beneficial as a health remedy and share with you some simple ways to make apple cider vinegar part of your self care routine.

What is Apple Cider Vinegar?

Made from nothing more than chopped apples, pure water, raw sugar and a 3-4 week fermentation process, the end product known as Apple Cider Vinegar is rich in health-promoting qualities that cannot be ignored.

Internal body benefits include:

  • Helps control blood sugar
  • Supports gut health balance
  • Improves insulin sensitivity
  • Reduces appetite
  • Aids in weight loss (specifically, burning belly fat)
  • Eases heartburn, indigestion & hiccups
  • Soothes sore throats.

External body benefits include:

  • Helps clear skin spots, pimples and tags
  • Helps get rid of dandruff and freshen hair
  • Eases itching and irritation from insect bites
  • Neutralises bacteria that can cause foot and underarm odour.

The Best Type Of Apple Cider Vinegar

Be sure to always source raw, unfiltered Apple Cider Vinegar that has a cloudy appearance.

This way, you can be sure that the product is unrefined, unpasteurised and unfiltered, meaning it's as close to its natural state as possible and in the most pure form in terms of health and healing qualities.

Raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar contains pectins, a form of fibre found in fermented apples, that not only aids good digestion and helps rid the body of excess cholesterol, but also promotes the growth of good bacteria in the gut, which of course, is so important for a range of body functions, including supporting a healthy immune system.

Learn more in our blog Probiotics: Health Benefits & 7 Powerful Food Sources

Health Benefits of Apple Cider Vinegar

ACV is renowned as such a good cleanser and detoxifier because it contains a compound known as acetic acid which helps your body to break up and release toxic residue and get your system back into balance.

ACV acts as a buffer in the body because the acetic acid reacts with base or acid compounds to form an acetate.  This essentially helps to make nutrients chemically bioavailable for the body’s utilisation.

Additionally, it can reduce the severity of toxic effects from other certain foods or compounds by converting the toxin into an acetate which is far less toxic or harmful to your body.

Interestingly, though apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature, it actually helps cultivate an alkaline environment in the stomach which is vital for healthy digestion and pH balance in the body.

In addition, ACV is rich in a variety of important trace minerals, vitamins and elements, including:

  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Fluorine
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Phosphorous
  • Potassium
  • Betacarotene
  • Silicon
  • Sodium
  • Sulphur
  • Vitamin A, C & E
  • Vitamin B1, B2, & B6
  • Vitamin P (bioflavonoids)

ACV is also rich in malic acid which acts as a humectant and is very effective for allowing the skin to retain moisture, stay hydrated and maintain pH.  Malic acid is also known to:

  • help reduce signs of ageing and pigmentation
  • remove dead skin cells
  • help fight off fatigue
  • boost exercise endurance.

    How To Take Apple Cider Vinegar

    As a general energy tonic and/or complimentary nutritional drink, by regularly adding small doses of ACV into your diet, you'll increase healthy stomach acids, improve digestion and likely notice increases in your energy and reduced appetite.

    Usage Tip #1: Add 1-2 Tablespoons of raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar to a glass of chilled water and drink, first thing in the morning to help activate your energy and digestion before you start your exercise routine.

    Usage Tip #2: Before each meal, add 1 teaspoon of ACV to a small glass of chilled or warm water and sip to help ease your appetite so that you don't overeat and to boost helpful digestive enzymes in the gut.

    Usage Tip #3:  Add 1-2 teaspoons of raw apple cider vinegar to 1/2 cup of extra virgin olive oil, a pinch of sea salt, cracked pepper and fresh herds, as a dressing for a leafy green salad before your main meal.

    If you experience regular stomach or digestive problems, by following either of these simple suggestions, you'll likely notice a big improvement in your gut health and digestive function within just a couple of weeks.

    Another wonderful bonus effect, is that it will bring a healthy glow to your skin complexion that you may not have seen in years.

    Other Apple Cider Vinegar Uses & Benefits

    In addition to its numerous internal benefits, as mentioned, ACV is also useful for other personal care applications and natural remedies:

    For The Skin

    ACV is known to be very effective for light topical application to treat skin blemishes, acne, sun burn, stings and it can even work wanders on unwanted skin tags.

    For acne, blemishes & scars: Mix equal parts ACV with cold water in a bowl or cup, stir and then dab on with a cloth and leave on for a few minutes before rinsing off.  Do this morning and night.  Alternatively, you can also try dabbing on the affected area and leaving it throughout the day or overnight whilst you sleep.

    For sunburn relief: Add 1-2 teaspoons of ACV into a small spray glass water bottle and shake.  Lightly spray onto the affected area and allow to dry.  Do this after sun exposure on clean, dry skin after a cool shower.

    You can also prepare a soothing bath soak, by adding 1 cup of apple cider vinegar, 1/4 cup of coconut oil and a few drops of Lavender Essential Oil to lukewarm water. Soak for 20-3o minutes to soothe the inflammation and allow your skin to soak up the restorative goodness of bath ingredients.

    For skin tags or warts: Soak an organic cotton ball in ACV before bed and then dab it onto the affected area.  Leave it on overnight.  It may sting slightly for a short period of time and start changing colour after a few days, however stick with it and you should see the skin tag disappear within a couple of weeks. 

    Bonus Tip:  If apple cider vinegar does not have the desired result on your skin tags, try using 30% food-grade hydrogen peroxide which can be very effective for this application.

    Airborne Allergies

    ACV has been renowned for centuries as an effective healing home remedy for allergies.

    By following some of our suggestions already mentioned for internal consumption, apple cider vinegar can help to reduce allergy symptoms.  It works because ACV reduces the production of mucus, a common side effect of airborne allergies. In addition, it cleanses the lymphatic system, consisting of the lymph nodes, lymph vessels, and organs. 

    The lymphatic system is responsible for fighting infections.  So, when it becomes congested, this important function may be compromised, which can lead to sinus infections.

    Body Odour

    ACV eliminates underarm, foot and body odour because it reduces the pH of the skin. 

    Bacteria can’t live in areas with low pH, which is why ACV is such an effective body odour remedy to test for yourself.

    Mix two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar and 1-2 teaspoons of melted raw honey (optional) with water, into a spray bottle glass of room temperature.  Shake and spray to the affected areas to help minimise body odour.

    For a deodorising foot soak, double these quantities and add to a foot tub with hot water.  As an optional extra, add 5 drops of Tea Tree Essential Oil for its amazing additional antibacterial and anti fungal properties.

    Fruit & Vegetable Wash

    One of the little known, handy uses for apple cider vinegar is for removing unwanted pesticide residues from "non-organic" fruits and vegetables such as apples, carrots, beets, celery and winter leafy greens.

    Add 1 cup of ACV to a 1/2 full sink of clean cool water.   Soak and swish your fresh produce around for 3-5 minutes, before rinsing it off with clean water, patting dry and storing.  This is a great process to follow if you can't get your hands on organic or locally grown spray-free produce before preparing your fresh juices or meals. 

    The Main Take Away

    Apple Cider Vinegar is a versatile, readily available natural health remedy that you can use at home just about every day to support your self care routine.

    Use it as a gut health digestive tonic or for a range of external body applications that may crop up from time to time. 

    Apple Cider Vinegar is one of those essential products you should always have available in your home that we recommend you use regularly.  Just be sure to source raw, unfiltered apple cider vinegar with a cloudy appearance like you'll find at good health food markets or here in our store at

    Do this and you'll be accessing the best quality available with the highest health and wellness properties.

    Tolman Self Care. 


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