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Non-Toxic Sun Care For Your Skin: Top Natural Sunscreen Alternatives

Does sunscreen protect you from the sun or actually increase your risk of skin cancer?

This is a debate that has gained momentum recently between the traditional health care and natural health communities.

Whilst there's no doubt that excessive exposure of untrained skin to UV light can lead to sun damage, sun spots and burning, there's a bigger, more sinister issue that needs to be addressed.

The issue of chemical-based sunscreen.

Unfortunately, most sunscreens and sunblocks that you'll find on your local pharmacy or supermarket shelf are laden with a toxic mix of petroleum-based chemicals, colours, fillers and stabilisers, that are not meant to be lathered on your body's largest organ of absorption - the skin!

The sad part is that multi-billion dollar marketing campaigns have brainwashed recent generations into believing that these products are safe, when the truth is that they're actually a big part of the problem.

Just imagine if these billions had instead been spent on educating the masses about the crucial health benefits of sunlight and how to responsibly obtain those benefits for health, disease prevention and longevity?

Let's get one thing straight.

Without the sun, there would hardly be any life form on earth.

And the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of human beings is dependent on a certain amount of regular sunlight to perform at its best. 

Without sunlight, your liver cannot access Vitamin D, starving your immune system of vital protective nutrients and potentially putting you at risk of a host of diseases such as bowel, breast and prostate cancers, as well as bone-related diseases as common examples.

Additionally, you could become mal-illuminated, which not only causes skin problems, but also mental and emotional conditions like depression and anxiety.

What is hardly understood, is how we can safely and naturally protect our skin from sun saturation.  After all, some of the toxic, chemical ingredients in popular sunscreens can actually be just as harmful as any possible damage that the sun itself may cause from prolonged exposure because these chemicals are absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream.

The Top Non-Toxic, Natural Sunscreen Alternatives

With rising consumer consciousness and a general movement towards self care and natural health as a lifestyle, thankfully there are small number of trust worthy companies that are producing non-toxic alternatives to big-brand chemical sunscreens.

These products are prepared to give you confidence that you can soak up the healthy benefits of the sun and enjoy an active outdoor lifestyle, without the potential harmful effects of toxic, commercial sunscreen.

These natural products also are much kinder to the environment, oceans and reef ecosystems than their chemical counterparts.

Choosing the Best Natural Sunscreen 

Most good health food stores offer a small selection of chemical-free sunscreen products for you to experiment with for yourself if you're looking for an alternative to regular sunscreen.

As always, we recommend that you check the labels before purchasing to ensure there are no toxic chemicals in these products before you buy them.

Potentially Harmful Chemicals to Avoid

  • Oxybenzone - Found in over 50% of sunscreens on the market, this chemical is considered a carcinogen and is believed to cause hormonal disruptions and cell damage that could lead to cancer.  It penetrates the skin, enters the bloodstream and acts similarly to estrogen in the body
  • Vitamin A (Retinyl Palmitate) - Don't let the word "vitamin" fool you. This chemical is considered a high concern for its toxic causing effects on the reproductive system.  May also speed up the formation of tumours or skin lesions if applied before sun exposure
  • Parabens - This preservative is found in many personal care items and cosmetics for it's supposed benefits in killing bacteria, however parabens have been linked to cancer and disruptions to the endocrine system, neuro-toxicity and skin irritation;
  • High SPF's - Higher is not always best.  Yes, a higher SPF may be more effective at blocking the sun's rays, but they also have a larger concentration of harmful chemicals.

Any good quality natural sunscreen won't use chemicals like these, so be sure to check the product ingredients closely first.

Also, look out for artificial fragrances which commonly contain dozens of carcinogens that damage the liver, heart and can potentially lead to cancer.

Keep in mind too, "organic" doesn't always mean "tox-free" or "natural".  In some countries, only a percentage of the ingredients in a product needs to be organic to be sold as such, which means an 'organic' sunscreen could still include dangerous synthetic ingredients and/or chemicals.

For convenience, we handcraft our own version of natural sun cream from a selection of natural SPF plant ingredients, called Sun Loves Me. This is a very popular product with fantastic customer reviews as you can see here.

Sun Loves Me provides hours of sun protection with hydrating benefits for beautifully soft and shielded skin, without the harmful chemicals.

Use Plant SPF Oils

Certain plant oils are very beneficial, not only for providing protection from extended sun exposure, but also for regularly nourishing your skin at the same time so that it becomes naturally more resilient to prolonged sun light exposure.

Be conscious of the following oils and get your hands on 1-2 of them that are easily accessible from your local health food store.  Use them before and after sun exposure, or morning and night during the summer months, and pretty soon you'll find you'll be less dependant on sunscreen.  Some of these ingredients are used in our handcrafted Sun Loves Me.

Here are the approximate naturally occurring SPF ratings for each listed plant oil:

  • Raspberry Seed Oil - SPF 28-50
  • Carrot Seed Oil - SPF 38-40
  • Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil - SPF 4-10
  • Macadamia Oil - SPF 6
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil - SPF 2-8
  • Hemp Seed Oil - SPF 6
  • Wheatgerm Oil - SPF 20
  • Soy Bean Oil - SPF 10

Healthy Sun Habits

When it comes to finding the best natural sun protection, the old adage has never rang truer:  the best defence really is a good offence.

This means being sensible and conscious when embracing the Sun for all of its amazing health benefits.

Here's some healthy tips to help you benefit from the sun that will minimise your risk of skin damage:

  1. Limit sun-exposure during peak times. The sun is most powerful from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. You don’t have to hide inside entirely during this five hour window, but you should try to get your 'sun fix' around this window wherever possible, particularly if you burn easily or if your skin is not used to prolonged sun exposure. If you are located closer to the equator, the sun is stronger, so be mindful to take it easy from around 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
  2. Boost your intake of seasonal fruits and vegetables. Though you may not realise it, one of the biggest causes of skin cancer is a lack of fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet from local sources that are in-season.  Your body needs the phytonutrients and anti-oxidants from fruits and vegetables that provide vital nourishment to your skin.  This will amplify the benefits you receive from the sun and help to minimise any possible harmful effects.
  3. Dress Sensibly - If you've had your early morning fix of sunlight and intend to be outdoors or on the water during the peak hours, simply cover up with light, breathable clothing and a hat during these times.
  4. Exfoliate your skin - Regular exfoliation helps to dispatch dead skin cells and ensure healthy circulation beneath your skin's surface.  In doing this, your pores will be cleaner and will breathe easier, which in turn helps your skin to constantly renew itself, making you less likely to burn. Try our natural exfoliate product called Renew Salt Scrub, which contains Celtic Sea Salt, Aloe Vera, a selection of plant Essential Oils, Aloe Vera and Medicinal Gold.

The Main Take Away

Sunshine is a crucial source of Vitamin D for liver function, immunity and provides a myriad of physical and mental health benefits.

Unfortunately, society has been led to believe that the sun is dangerous which has encouraged mass adoption of chemical-based sunscreens that may actually cause more harm than good.

To get the benefits of natural sunlight without the risks associated with excessive exposure to UV rays, you simply need to be sensible and responsible in your approach to exposing yourself to sunshine.

Try to get your daily fix of sunlight during the morning hours whenever possible to avoid the sun's intensity in the afternoon.  Also, if you're wanting extra protection without the risk of harmful chemicals, be sure to look out for a natural sunscreen product from your local health food store or try our very popular, handcrafted Sun Loves Me.

When you get yourself into the sun more often, you will experience lower levels of anxiety and stress, more energy, happiness, better sleep and you will give your body the chance to photosynthesise vitamin D which is crucial for ensuring a strong immune system to ward off illness and a host of diseases.


Tolman Self Care. 


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