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Why Vitamin C boosts immunity and helps protect you against viruses

It’s long been known that vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that boosts immunity and protects against viruses. Come cold and flu season, everyone seems to be taking vitamin C supplements to fight back against viruses—but these products are not a substitute for electrically charged whole foods.

The greatest source of vitamin C you can have is from certain fresh fruits and vegetables that contain frequencies of light that your cells can assimilate and identity with.

You need Vitamin C (as well as Vitamins A & D) for a strong immune system, which is the key to repelling viral threats.

In addition, a diet rich in Vitamin C is essential for healthy teeth, gums and bones, and helps you build resistance to infection, by supporting your body to break down and expel bacterial and toxic overwhelm. 

Getting enough vitamin C every day is more important than ever. 

Keep reading to find out why this vital antioxidant is crucial to your health and wellbeing and how to make sure you’re getting enough each day to boost your immunity and protect against viruses.  

1. Repairs, Heals and Maintains

Vitamin C is absolutely necessary for immune function, bone density, iron absorption and skin health, but our bodies can’t make vitamin C on their own. We rely on our diets to get vitamin C into our bodies, so it's important to be conscious of vitamin C-rich foods. 

Getting enough vitamin C every single day can work wonders for your immune system. It’s an antioxidant that is also incredibly helpful for healing wounds, repairing and maintaining skin, teeth, bones, and cartilage. 

The skin and mucus is the first step in defending your body against attack, but a cut or injury is exactly what bacteria is looking for to find a way in and infect you with a cold or virus. Vitamin C is crucial for repairing those lines of defences and protecting you from bacteria and viruses. 

Not only does vitamin C help boost immunity and prevent sickness in the first place, it also reduces the duration and severity of sickness so that you can get back to normal faster. You will inevitably catch a cold at some point, but if you’re consuming high levels ofvitamin C, it won’t
 stick around for too long. Vitamin C from food stimulates your body’simmune system into action, making it easier to get over your sickness faster.

2. Protects Cells from Free Radicals

Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant, which helps fight free radicals and prevents oxidative stress on your body. This can help boost immunity and protects against viruses because it fights off environmental stress that can weaken your immune system. As a general rule of thumb, it’s good to eat as many Vitamin-C rich foods each day as you can. 

By neutralising free radicals, which can travel through the body causing much damage to cells, Vitamin C targets and mops up these free radicals, in turn reducing the threat of infection and viruses.

Too much oxidative stress can lead to long-term diseases and disorders, including cancer. Just by consuming plenty of vitamin C every day, your risk of getting cancer will decrease by 75%. Plus, you get to eat healthy, delicious fresh foods that benefit you in so many other ways.  

3. Supplements Are Not the Same as Whole Foods

If you’re not eating many whole foods each day, it might seem tough to get enough vitamin C. While supplements can seem like a convenient and healthy solution, Vitamin C from non-food sources can cause kidney damage and harmful toxic side effects such as gout, kidney stones, and lower neuro-immune response. 

So in effect, they can be counter productive when you're trying to build a robust immune system.

Instead, stick to locally grown, fresh fruits and vegetables for your fix of vitamin C.

Vitamin C rich foods include:

  • Citrus - Oranges, Lemons, Grapefruit and Limes;
  • Kiwifruit
  • Strawberries
  • Papaya
  • Pineapple
  • Broccoli
  • Capsicum
  • Tomatoes
  • Kale

Unlike Vitamin C pills, they have the added benefit of hundreds of additional nutritional components and fibre that your body needs to thrive.

Oranges are among the best sources for vitamin C, although many fruits and vegetables can provide you with vitamin C. Oranges average a little more than 69 milligrams, which is close to a full day’s recommended amount. 

Many studies show that eating citrus and other Vitamin C foods, can cut your risk of developing pneumonia by up to 80 percent. Elderly people that experience pneumonia or chronic bronchitis have been shown to have fewer symptoms and to recover more easily by eating foods rich on Vitamin C.

If you get sick easily or know you have compromised immunity, be sure to load up on vitamin C-rich foods every single day! 

4. How to Get More Vitamin C

Ideally, you should aim to consume five servings per day of vitamin C-rich foods (especially if you’re suffering from any kind of infection or viral overwhelm). 

For example, the equivalent of three oranges or two glasses of orange juice per day is a good guide, though you can easily get your daily Vitamin C by incorporating a variety of the foods into your diet that we've listed. 

The Main Take Away

Paying attention to your intake of Vitamin C-rich foods is simply a smart health and vitality principle, particularly as we enter the winter season.

However, if you're diet is light on plants and based heavily of animal products and/or processed foods, chances are you’re not getting enough immune-boosting vitamin C into your body every day.

Remember too, for a strong immune system it's important to get Vitamin D (from Sunshine), moderate exercise, fresh air and rest. Together with the right foods and a healthy diet, this will give you everything you need to repel external threats and keep your immunity functioning at it's best.

On those days when you're on the go or don't have access to the foods you need, our RAW Tropical Juice Powder is loaded with Vitamin C and is a good stop-gap solution. 

Finally, if you're doing all the right things dietarily and getting plenty of exercise and sunshine, consider adding a further layer of protection from infections and viruses, by using nature's "antibiotics" colloidal silver and fulvic acid - key ingredients in our immunity booster product called, Nature's Silver Bullet - which you'll find in our store. 

Tolman Self Care. 


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