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Signs You Have Poor Gut Health & 3 Ways To Fix it Naturally

Did you know that your overall state of health is greatly impacted by your gut health?

Interestingly, it was centuries ago that Hippocrates, widely regarded as the founding father of natural medicine, who declared that, "all disease begins in the gut"!

But even armed with this knowledge, sadly the mainstream medical community today gives little attention to gut health as a cause of dysfunction, discomfort and disease, or as a measure of robust health and body function.

This means you need to pay attention to your gut health yourself, because your life span, health span, mental wellness and your ability to resist disease are all dependent on it.

So, what are the signs of poor gut health and what can you do about it? 

Here, we outline the most obvious signs you may have an unhealthy gut and what you can do about it naturally, to help you avoid a long list of common health problems, ailments and dis-eases.

Obvious Signs Of Poor Gut Health 

1. Stomach Disturbances

If you suffer from bloating, gas, constipation, heartburn, or diarrhoea, these are all signs your gut microbiome is out of balance and it's probably a good time for a gut cleanse to help your digestive system reset.

Imbalances in the gut is known as Dysbiosis, which basically means the colonies of bad bacteria in your gut are taking over and far outweigh the good bacteria. 

And when this occurs, your body will become less efficient at processing food and eliminating waste which usually leads to a toxic build up within the digestive tract, and ultimately a host of potential health problems.

2.  Fatigue & Disruptive Sleep Patterns

Serotonin is one of the most important hormones in controlling your sleep and mood and most of this hormone chemical is produced in your gut.

For this reason, an unhealthy gut is an obvious cause of poor sleep, insomnia, fatigue and even depression. 

So, if you suffer from poor sleep you need to pay attention to your gut health and begin making some simple lifestyle changes, as we'll share with you here.

3.  Excess Weight Gain

One of the signs of poor gut health is rapid or excess weight gain.

When your gut health is imbalanced, your digestive system can have problems absorbing nutrients.  This can leave your cells malnourished, making you constantly feel hungry and more likely to eat excess calories.

Additionally, poor gut health contributes to insulin resistance and lowered energy production which can make you feel constantly run down, fatigued and will contribute to unwanted weight gain.

4.  Skin Issues

Skin irritations and problems such as eczema, psoriasis, acne, dry and flaky skin can all be linked to poor gut health.

Skin inflammation is usually a sign of inflammation in the gut caused by "leaky gut", where certain proteins penetrate the intestinal walls and leak toxic elements into the bloodstream.

Since your skin is your body's largest channel of elimination, if you have internal chaos in the gut, your body will attempt to release the toxicity through the skin.

This is why it the best solution is not to suppress the skin problems with topical creams or medications, but rather to support the release of the offending toxic residue in the gut which is the primary cause of the problem.  It is also wise to avoid processed sugar, refined grains, fatty foods, and to drink plenty of water and expose the skin to salt water and sunshine.   

5.  Food Sensitivities and Intolerances

Not to be confused with food allergies, which is generally an immune response to certain foods, food sensitivities or intolerances are more like reactions that can easily be exacerbated when the gut microbiome is out of balance.

This imbalance can cause noticeable problems when it comes to digesting certain foods such as wheat and other refined grains, leading to gas, bloating, constipation and diarrhoea etc.

A diverse, robust, healthy gut microbiome will make it far less likely that your body will experience unwanted reactions to certain foods when they are eaten in moderation.

6.  Weak Immunity 

If you are easily susceptible to colds, flu, infections or viruses it is usually a sign of weak immunity that can be improved by rebuilding your gut health.

A well balance microbiome is very efficient at ordering specialised immune cells to produce potent antiviral proteins that can eliminate viral infections.  So, if your gut does not have enough beneficial bacteria it will not have immune response to defend against unwanted invaders and viruses.

3 Simple Ways To Help Reset Your Gut Naturally

Interestingly, if you clean up your diet, get moderate exercise, drink enough clean water and get regular sunshine, your body will naturally eliminate the toxicity and intelligently cleanse the gut on its own in a relatively short period of time. 

That said, there are a number of simple things you can do to further support the process of fixing poor gut health naturally.

1. Whole food-based Diet 

A whole food-based diet should be your panacea for a healthy gut.

This means you should eat a variety of foods in their natural state (nothing refined or processed) including seasonal fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthy fats.  And if you're not vegan or vegetarian, you should include hormone-free, pasture-raised animal products and organic dairy.

A diverse diet will give your body a wide variety of nutrients, fibre and essential fatty acids to support a healthy gut.

Also, be sure to drink a minimum of 2 litres of water per day to help rehydrate your body and flush out unwanted waste. 

If you know you have gut health problems and need to cleanse the gut to get back on track fast, our Cleanse Me protocol with Food-Grade Bentonite Clay, Psyllium and Flax can be very effective over a 2-4 day process.  Learn more here in our store.

2.  Probiotic Foods 

As part of your whole food-based diet to support a healthy gut, you should also eat a variety of foods that are rich in probiotics.  The best natural sources are:

    • Organic yogurt, cottage cheese and kefir
    • Pickles & olives
    • Sauerkraut & Kimchi
    • Tempeh & Miso 
    • Sourdough bread

    Handy Tip:  If you have gut health issues, try adding 1 tbsp of organic Apple Cider Vinegar to a glass of cool water first thing in the morning and/or before each meal.  This will add good bacteria into your gut which will help rebalance your microbiome and healthy digestive function. 

    3. Walk Everyday (Outdoors If Possible) 

    Walking each day for a minimum of 30-45 minutes is one of the best things you can do for your gut health. 

    Firstly, walking stimulates the peristaltic action (expansion and contraction) of the intestines which supports healthy digestion.

    Secondly, when you walk outdoors, you stimulate the senses, clear the mind and breathe fresh electrified air.  These attributes are powerful for regulating your mood, immune function and reducing stress, which are closely linked to your gut health function.

    The Main Take Away

    Your gut health is vital for ensuring health body function and avoiding disease throughout your life time.

    Here we have shared with you some of the common signs of poor gut health and what you can do to ensure your support a healthy microbiome. 

    With some basic consciousness around this all-important area of your health and by making some simple lifestyle adjustments, you can go a long way to ensuring that you avoid gut health problems over the long term.

    The main keys are a clean diet with minimal processed food, plenty of clean water, daily walking or exercise, and regular exposure to a small amount of sunshine.

    When you make these steps a part of your life, you'll ensure you maintain a healthy gut and you'll avoid all of the problems associated with an poor gut health.

    Tolman Self Care.


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